Project Overview
I participated in a 2 week Design Sprint in my 351 IMD class at UW Bothell in which my group and I tackled the challenge of motivating middle-aged women to explore & exercise
Role Team Duration Deliverables
User Reacher & UX Design
Katarina, Christine, Vlad, Eden, Ciera
November 5 - November 24, 2020
High Fidelity Mockup
User Research Persona Storyboard & User Scenario
MoodBoard UI Flowchart Logo & Branding High Fidelity Mockup
User Research
How can we design a product which will motivate women 45+ to go outside & explore. What are some precautions we should take when designing this product?
Design an app tailored towards gardening & park exploration. Take the gamify approach and make flowers/plants collectable for a "digital garden."

Lean UX Canvas

Storyboard & User Scenario
UI Design
How do we create an accessible & appealing UI design for our target demographic? What is our visual focus for the app & how do we get them to spend more time exploring/exercising than looking at the app.
Incorporate the camera into our app to motivate flower/plant searching over browsing app. Focus on a soft color scheme to ease eye strain and use contrasting colors for important UI.
Mood Board

UI Flowchart & Color Guide

Logo & Branding